
The arthroscanner is a scanner (examination that also uses X-rays like conventional radiography, to build an anatomical image of very high quality thanks to powerful computers that recreate detailed images in 3D) that is carried out at the level of the joints.

Principle of the examination

The CT scan of the joints makes it possible to visualize the contents of a joint and to identify possible lesions thanks to the injection of a contrast medium.


You are asked on the day of the examination not to put anything on the skin of the joint area to be explored (no gel or ointment). The radiologist will inject you with a contrast medium into the joint to increase the density of the tissues and improve the detection of possible lesions.


Pregnancy is a contraindication to this examination. If you have certain medical conditions: diabetes, kidney failure, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, etc. certain precautions must be taken. Please report this to the radiologist.

Conduct of the examination

You are taken care of by a member of the medical team who accompanies you in the examination room. You are lying on your back on a table and asked to remain still while the table moves through the ring during the exam. The duration of the examination varies depending on the exploration to be conducted.