Osteodensitometry is a radiology technique that uses very low energy X-rays capable of passing through the structure of bones. Its purpose is to accurately assess bone mineral density (BMD) and quantify bone mass loss. It is particularly interesting at the age of menopause to assess the relevance of implementing treatments to reduce the loss of bone mass and its consequences (osteoporosis, fracture, fall, etc.).
Principle of the examination
the use of a very low energy X-ray beam passing through the bone structure makes it possible to measure the amount of energy before and after the passage through the bone. The difference between the two measures makes it possible to estimate bone mineral density. Compared to the average of the normal population, of the same age and sex, this examination assesses your risk of fracture (risk of fractured bone) and your risk of osteoporosis (bone decalcification and fragility).
This exam does not require any special preparation.
This examination is contraindicated in pregnant women.
Conduct of the examination
You are taken care of by a member of the medical team who accompanies you in the examination room. You are lying on an examination table and a moving arm moves above you.
The exam lasts about fifteen minutes.